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Posts tagged ‘painting’

Living in a Billboard

Do you need help paying your mortgage? Want to quasi-whore out your home? Adzookie, a free advertising network for mobile devices, is offering to pay your mortgage in return for letting them paint you house with their logo and social media contacts. Here is a mockup of what the house may look like-

The deal is that Adzookie will pay your mortgage for every month your house is paint for a minimum of 3 months. The deal can be extended for up to a year. After the period is over, Adzookie will repaint the house back to its original colors.

The total budget for the campaign is $100,000 which includes painting and repainting. Adzookie is looking to paint about 100 homes and might expand the campaign in the future. Within the first 24 hours, Adzookie received 3,000 applicants. Sadly, almost 90 percent of the applicants had fallen on hard times and are having trouble paying their mortgage.

To apply, go to